General Instructions For Losing Weight

  • A healthy, balanced, low-calorie diet.
  •  Make sure to exercise at least 30 minutes a day continuously.
  •  Make sure to drink an adequate amount of water, equivalent to (8 – 9) cups a day between meals.
  •  Avoid soft drinks, beer, energy drinks, and sweetened juices.
  •  Using healthy methods of cooking, such as boiling and grilling, instead of frying.
  • You should stay away from saturated fats (margarine, butter) and hydrogenated, and replace them with unsaturated fats (vegetable oil) in a small amount.
  • Remove grease from meat and skin from chicken before cooking.
  • Replace full-fat dairy products with low-fat products.
  • Eat salads without additives, such as mayonnaise and ready-made sauces.
  • Stop eating three hours before bed.
  •  Eat 3 main healthy meals and do not cancel any meal.
  •  Eat vegetables and protein when feeling hungry.