More than 40 specialized medical clinics are dedicated to preventing infectious diseases and epidemics, a concern shared by both the public and private sectors, as well as nations, organizations, and communities. In the digital age, challenges are increasing due to the interconnectedness of the world, rapid travel, and various forms of communication between people, especially during travel, which increases the likelihood of spreading infections unintentionally.

The Saudi government places significant emphasis on preventive care, recognizing that it can help avoid substantial costs, both financially and in terms of human lives. The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic serves as a model, where Saudi Arabia was one of the most efficient countries in managing the crisis and its repercussions through stringent measures and exemplary responses.

New viruses and epidemics, or mutated strains, may continue to emerge and cross borders without warning, making it essential to prioritize preventive care and promote awareness on the widest possible scale. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Preventive health services aim to enhance the health and well-being of individuals and communities by empowering people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, bridging the gap to achieve a balance between physical and mental health.

Preventive services include early screening for individuals and groups to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, providing appropriate vaccinations, preventing the transmission of infectious diseases and infections, limiting drug-resistant infections, and responding promptly to any outbreaks of diseases and epidemics.
