In Patient Services

For those patients who require admission to our hospital we provide an excellent care and support service. With one hundred and forty beds and suites, five operating theatres, seven labor & delivery rooms and three intensive care units, specializing in post-operative, cardiac and neonatal care, we are well equipped to care for you, whatever the problem. At AMH, our team of highly trained doctors and nurses will look after you during your stay and will make you feel at home, whether you are recovering from a general surgical procedure or from an emergency condition.

Our Obstetrics and Gynecology Department is renowned for delivering high quality obstetrics care to women during labor and delivery. Our highly trained physicians and nursing staff provide our patients with the highest level of care especially if they need urgent surgery, such as a cesarean section. At AMH, we have an operating room standing by, just in case.

We also provide in-patients with a fully equipped IVF service as well as a complete range of reproductive health services. Our team of specially trained staff will advise you as to the best course of treatment for you and your family.
We also ensure that if a patient is admitted with an infectious disease he is immediately isolated in a negative pressure room to prevent cross-contamination.  We also have a positive pressure room for patients with compromised immune systems to prevent micro-organisms from entering the room.
At AMH, we maintain the highest international standards for all our medical services and, above all, we care for your all round well-being and long-term health. We always put our patient first in everything we do.

We hope and pray that you and your family enjoy the best of health throughout your life.

 All In-Patient medical services will be provided to our patients after admission to AMH.