Internal Medicine

At AMH, our Department of Internal Medicine provides comprehensive medical care for both out-patients and in-patients and specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acute and long term medical conditions. It also includes the major sub-specialties of cardiology, pulmonary, nephrology, gastroenterology, neurology and endocrinology.

Our team of highly trained physicians and nurses are dedicated to achieving the highest international standard and quality of service for every specialty, as well as providing the most up-to-date healthcare service.

The scope of our service encompasses the out-patient department, the emergency room, the in-patient wards, the CCU and the specialized care units. We always provide the highest level of medical and nursing care for patients that require intensive critical care.

All our services are provided at the most reasonable and affordable cost to all our patients. Above all, we always care for you – our patient – first and foremost.

We hope and pray that you and your family enjoy the best of health throughout your life.

Should you wish to make an appointment with us please do so through the Call Center or, if you prefer, contact us via the website or simply visit the hospital where one of our staff will be delighted to accompany you to our clinic.