Negative & Positive Pressure Rooms

Negative pressure

Ensuring effective infection control in all areas of the hospital is of paramount importance to us. That is why we have provided an isolation room to prevent patients with contagious diseases, such as tuberculosis, measles or chickenpox, from cross-contaminating other rooms or other patients.

At AMH, we have installed a ventilation system that generates negative pressure to allow air to flow into the isolation room but not escape from it, thereby preventing contaminated air from escaping the room.

Positive pressure

In order to ensure that airborne micro-organisms cannot find their way into sensitive areas, such as operating theatres, we keep the room in positive pressure to prevent the egress of air. A positively pressured room ensures that air flows out of the room instead of coming into it.

By providing patients that are suffering from compromised immune systems with a dedicated positive pressure room we ensure that any airborne micro-organisms that might infect the patient, such as bacteria, are kept away.

At AMH, we maintain the highest international standards of quality control for all our medical services and, above all, we always put our patient first in everything we do.

We hope and pray that you and your family enjoy the best of health throughout your life.

Ā All In-Patient medical services will be provided to our patients after admission to AMH.