Quitting smoking—does it erase its effects?
Save your body and quit smoking.

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” quoted Dr. Max Pemberton as saying: “Twenty minutes after quitting smoking, blood pressure and heart rate will begin to decrease towards normal levels.”

Pemberton explained the changes that occur in the body due to quitting smoking as follows:

  • After 2 hours: Peripheral circulation, which involves the small blood vessels that supply the skin, arms, and legs, begins to improve, and more oxygen starts reaching the fingers and toes.
  • After 12 hours: The blood begins to rid itself of highly toxic carbon monoxide, which binds strongly to red blood cells and reduces the amount of oxygen they can carry.
  • After 24 hours: The risk of having a heart attack begins to decline.
  • After 48 hours: Smoking kills the cells responsible for smell and taste, but after two days, they start to regrow, meaning you will enjoy your food more.
  • After 4 days: Some people may start coughing as the lungs begin to clean themselves.
  • From 5-8 days: The body continues to repair itself, and on average, people experience three withdrawal episodes a day, each lasting a maximum of three minutes, which is a sign of the body returning to normal.
  • After 10 days: The average person reports only two withdrawal episodes per day, and circulation to the teeth and gums returns to normal.
  • After 2 weeks: The ability to exercise and physical fitness improves significantly.
  • After 4 weeks: As the cilia in the lungs continue to grow, the risk of chest infections decreases.
  • After 9 months: The smoker’s lungs begin to repair themselves, and the cilia are now functioning at full capacity.
  • After 1 year: The risk of heart disease decreases by 50% compared to smokers.
  • After 5 years: The risk of stroke is now the same as that of someone who has never smoked, and the risk of death from lung, esophagus, larynx, and mouth cancer is significantly reduced.
  • After 10 years: The risk of death from lung cancer is now half that of a smoker.
  • After 13 years: The average smoker who lives to 75 has six fewer teeth than a non-smoker, but after 13 years of quitting, the risk of tooth loss is the same as that of someone who has never smoked.
  • After 15 years: The risk of heart disease returns to the level of someone who has never smoked, and the risk of pancreatic cancer drops to the same level as that of someone who has never smoked.

Source: ماذا يحدث لجسم الإنسان عند الإقلاع عن التدخين؟ | سكاي نيوز عربية (skynewsarabia.com)